Sunday 5 February 2012

George look's for cheese and sugar

Chapter One: a mouse moves in

One day there lived a mouse he wanted cheese and sugar so he asked his neighbour.

Chapter Two: who has cheese and sugar?

Unfortunately his neighbour didn’t have any also he wanted some to so they went to each house but no one had any in his neighbourhood. Next George went to a castle it was 90 miles away.
Hours later finally he reached the castle then he went to the princesses dressing room table and said please may you give me some chees and sugar AGH screamed the princes.

Chapter Three: the guard’s

Suddenly fifteen guard’s appeared just then the mouse jumped out the window he was a very good swimmer so it didn’t matter if he fell into the moat.

Chapter Four: George returns home

Finally George scurried home and had his tea without any sugar and he still wanted chees!


  1. I love it, thanks jakub love from Rowena x

  2. Looking forward to reading your next story! Nigel
